Jetter Safety Requirements
AS/NZS 4233.1:2013
- Covers operators of jetters & high pressure water blasters
- Divides machines by capability into 2 types: Class A & Class B
- Machine output capability is calculated by multiplying the pumps rated pressure (in bar) by flow (in lpm)
Class A – From 800 bar lpm to 5,600 bar litres per minute
Class B – Over 5,600 bar litres per minute
Class A Operators
- Must be trained and competent in identifying hazards,
assessing and controlling the risks, and using safe working
procedures - Be familiar with the operation of Class A machines
- Use suitable PPE
- Carry out daily checks on the equipment to identify issues
before they become dangerous
Class B Operators
- Must be RTO certified as trained and assessed as competent in identifying hazards, assessing and controlling the risks, and using safe working procedures
- Carry verification of competency
- Refresher training to be carried out every two years
- Be familiar with the operation of Class B machines
- Use suitable PPE
- Carry out daily inspections on the equipment to identify and rectify any potential issues before use
- Without certification
- Work insurance may be invalid and injury
compensation claims denied - Access may be denied to commercial/industrial
- Work insurance may be invalid and injury
For more information, Melbourne Jetter Centre recommends professional operators read AS/NZS 4233.1:2013.
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"I spent three hours stuffing around at other places with no success. Saw Micheal at Melbourne Jetter Centre who had everything I needed and sorted in a matter of minutes. Thanks so much!"
(Stipe Jakovlijevic)